On July 1, Ana and Cornel Paraschiv set up the company, which was trading animals at that time.
Ana and Cornel make their debut in the butchery activity.
The opening of the first Ana and Cornel store.
Starting selling minced meat and sausages smoked with wood, sawdust and cornmeal.
Producing the first Ana and Cornel summer salami.
Opening of the second own shop and get from 4 to 18 assortments of meat products.
Opening of two new stores and moving to a semi-industrial production system, following the investments made in the factory. Reaching a team of 47 members and a turnover of 21,844 lei.
Making the transition from fresh to cooked meat - most of our products are now sausages, prepared and delivered by a team of 264 people.
Accessing European funds for the construction of a new factory with an annual capacity of 20 thousand tons and closing the chapter on butchery activities.
Carmina Paraschiv takes over the management of the company and we start investments in marketing under the well-known communication platform "From Ana and Cornel - Family Cold Cuts".
Moving the entire activity of the company to the new factory, expanding our product portfolio by 30%, launching the range of chilled meat in Ana and Cornel stores and obtain ISO 9001 certification.
As we continue to invest and optimize the activity of the new factory, we reach 21 own stores and a team of 594 members.
Obtaining the 14001 certificate for the environmental management system.
Opening a number of 20 new stores and becoming the second place national company in the food industry and first place in the Prahova county.
Opening the logistics warehouse in Bacau and modernizing the packaging section, so that from now to become more flexible regarding individual weights and packaging.
Implementing barcodes and automatic weighing of collective packages (package and crate).
Reaching 69 own shops and starting our first collaboration with an international supermarket chain.
Achieving operational excellence by fully implementing the SAP system in all areas of administrative and production activity.
Opening the logistics warehouse in Constanta, obtaining the Best Buy certificate for the best quality/price ratio and reaching a record number of 93 own stores.
Building a new logistics warehouse in Mizil, with an investment of 1.5 million euros.
Opening new work sites in Bucharest and in Francesti, increasing the number of clients by 40%, modernizing and automating the intensive cooling section of our factory.
Deschidem noi puncte de lucru în București și în Frâncești, creștem numărul de clienți cu 40% , modernizăm și automatizăm secția de răcire intensivă din fabrica noastră.
25 years after the company was founded, we have reached a sufficient degree of organizational maturity so as to make the transition to the corporate brand Carnia.
We continue to develop Ana and Cornel as a product and retail brand.
We continue to develop Ana and Cornel as a product and retail brand.